RANSOM PLAN offers a ransomware-specific security assessment to help your business plan how to protect against ransomware attacks. The plan will culminate in a detailed report which identifies the results of various security scans, detected vulnerabilities, and recommended improvements. RANSOM PLAN has developed a proprietary security assessment device, the RANSOM PLAN Agent, which will conduct scanning from inside your company network(s).

Individual Approach

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Modern Technologies

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Complex Sollutions

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Purchase The Plan

Complete your purchase for a ransomware assessment on our website.

Submit Required Info

A IT environment questionnaire is provided via an interactive web-form. Complete this to help RANSOM PLAN continue the assessment.
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Install the RANSOM PLAN Agent

You’ll receive the RANSOM PLAN Agent (piece of hardware) in the mail. Plug it in and connect it to your network. The testing will start automatically.

Final Assessment Tasks

A member of the RANSOM PLAN team will perform the final steps of the assessment by obtaining all necessary data from network devices and servers.

Receive Final Report & Discuss

A final report will be provided outlining the assessment steps completed, findings, and recommendations. A 30-minute group discuss phone call will be schedule to discuss.



RANSOM PLAN is a group of Cyber Security professionals who have teamed up to provide the highest quality ransomware-specific assessments in the industry.

Based out of the U.S.A, the RANSOM PLAN team is involved in everyday cyber security threat situations where they provide expertise in these areas.



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